Living root bridges, India 

Generally, bridges are made up of wood, steel or concrete but special case occur in India in the form of unique bridge that was not built by human.  

Lonar Crater Lake, India

Lonar Lake is the World’s largest and only hyper-velocity impact crater in basaltic rock which is named after the demon, Lonasura. 

Antelope Canyon, Arizona (USA) 

Lonar Lake is the World’s largest and only hyper-velocity impact crater in basaltic rock which is named after the demon, Lonasura. 

Jeju Island, South Korea 

It is also known as "Island of the Gods," is a popular spot for vacationers and honeymooners. Sea-women, rapeseed fields, and the world's longest lava tube made the Island popular. 

Yellowstone Wyoming, Montana, Idaho (USA) 

It is the world's first national park consisting of various volcano’s hidden power that rises up in colourful hot springs, mud-pots, and geysers.  

The Great Barrier Reef, Australia 

It is the world’s largest coral reef and also larger than the Great Wall of China and the only living thing on earth visible from space. 

Mendenhall Ice Caves, Alaska 

It is the glacier and surrounding landscape which is protected as the 5,815-acre Mendenhall Glacier Recreation Area, a federally designated unit of the Tongass National Forest.  

Ha Long Bay, Vietnam 

It is consists of 1,600 limestone monolithic islands and home to 14 endemic floral species and 60 endemic faunal species. In 2000, the UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee has inscribed the Hạ Long Bay in the World Heritage List according to its outstanding examples representing major stages of the Earth’s history and its original limestone karstic geomorphologic features. 

Lake Hillier, Australia 

It lies just next to the Pacific Ocean, thus if you watch it from above, the contrast between the mellow pink of the lake and the blue of the ocean is striking. 

The Door to Hell, Turkmenistan 

It is also known as the Gate to Hell, the Crater of Fire, Darvaza Crater. It is a natural gas field in Derweze, Turkmenistan, that collapsed into an underground cavern in 1971, becoming a natural gas crater.  

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