In today’s episode, Anuj tells Anupama that there wasn’t that much drama in the Shah house as he expected.  

She agrees and tells Toshu needs time but Kinjal, Pakhi, Samar understood. 

Anuj says it’s understandable that Toshu might be feeling like his child won’t be the only one to be getting all the attention. 

Anupama tells even Kinjal would’ve felt like that a bit as she won’t be giving her full attention and now it will be divided between Anu and Kinjal’s child. 

They reach their house and Anupama tells Anuj that he should put Anu to sleep everyday by resting bedtime stories and reciting shayaris to her. 

They see that Anu is sleeping and Anuj tells that he’s scared to lift her. Anupama carries her inside the house.  

Adhik tells Pakhi that Anupama will stop giving attention to her previous children now that Anu is here. 

Pakhi tells that people will make fun of her that her mother at this age adopted another child. 

They disconnect the call telling they’ll meet soon. Vanraj comes and warns her not to meet him.  

They disconnect the call telling they’ll meet soon. Vanraj comes and warns her not to meet him.  

Later, Kavya asks Vanraj if they can also adopt a daughter and he gets shocked.  

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