A new words puzzle is available for Quordle 192. Here are our hints and answers for the words released on August 4th, 2022.

The game has become a huge success after being released as a prototype with a number of bugs and usability issues at the end of January. 

It is the most popular daily word game outside of Wordle due to the increased level of difficulty. Players must guess four five-letter words in as few as nine attempts, rather than one.

Quordle Answer Hints Today Here are our hints for today’s Quordle words of the day:

Hint 1: Word 1 begins with an F, 2 with a V, 3 with a Q, and 4 with a T Hint 2: Word ending – 1: E, 2: L, 3: L, 4: N Hint 3: Word 1 – an unlikely chance occurrence, especially a surprising piece of luck 

Hint 4: Word 2 – synthetic resin or plastic consisting of polyvinyl chloride or a related polymer, used for wallpapers and other covering materials and for records 

Hint 5: Word 3 – put an end to (a rebellion or other disorder), typically by the use of force Hint 6: Word 4 – lay hold of (something) with one’s hands; reach for and hold 

What’s the Daily Quordle 192 Answer on 4 August?

If the above hints don’t help you, the answer for Quordle 192, released on August 4th, 2022, can be seen below: FLUKE VINYL QUELL TAKEN

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